Saturday, April 2, 2011


Just wanted to share with you that the city I live in and where we have our business located likes to waste payroll dollars with the Sheriff's Department. You see they have nothing better to do on a Saturday except to drive around to businesses telling them to remove their signs advertising their business on the business's own property. There are not burglaries, robberies, rapes, murders, traffic accidents, speeders or red light runners to harass today. Nope only businesses trying to take in enough money to pay their taxes so that these city employees and Sheriff can come around and harass them while criminals walk the streets. Then say.... We are giving up our day off to go around and summons and threaten businesses that are breaking city codes on their own property. Stay home and enjoy your day off. I can guarantee you that you are not doing this for free. The city counsel person may be but the deputy in the deputy's car is most likely getting paid. It should not be a city code to advertise your own business on your own property with a two way sign the size of poster board. Give me a break. My goodness, this sign is breaking city code and is more important than a crime being committed at this very moment. Get some priorities.


The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

We have a sign ordinance that was passed a few years ago, too. Not that I understand why it's so important that every business only have one sign...but that's what they demand. Go figure.

betty said...

it doesn't make any sense does it? Sorry it had to happen though. I agree with you, catch the criminals and don't sweat the "small stuff" about signs
