Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What I need....

What I need....

A personal assistant to get my clothes ready everyday, even my shoes. I have limited shoes for work and hate the task of getting ready for work everyday. I don't mind going to work, just hate the task of getting ready.

A personal chef. I get so tired of trying to figure out what I will fix for breakfast and lunch when going to work. I hate thinking that much in advance. As for dinner, I have no problem with fixing that myself. I just don't like worrying about breakfast and lunch.

Anybody want to apply for the job?

Unfortunately the pay is pitiful.... There is none.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

This and That...

  • Had a great turnout for my church's Easter Egg Hunt. We had over 25 kids and it was barely advertised. I was stoked. 25 children for my church is great.

  • I have been fooling my Father lately, we have been switching our ground beef for the low fat ground turkey in our meals. He has yet to catch on. Tonight I just cooked turkey burgers and he is in there almost licking the plate. He is a ground beef man, he could eat it every day.

  • Gas prices are ridiculous, plain ridiculous.

  • I worked all week at the school I interviewed for last summer in a business position. Not only did I substitute there but also the attendance office. It was a great week. The lead teacher that interviewed me had avoided me for a long time. She approached me Friday to tell me she appreciated me doing the position all week. That she was surprised I didn't have any major behavior issues and never needed security nor her. It meant a lot to me that she took the time out to tell me that. Let's hope she remembers that if they have a position open back up. Then I was asked to help in the attendance office all week during my breaks from my classes I was subbing. I don't have to do that as a sub. I only HAVE to sub for the position I came in for. I am flexible and helped out. I enjoyed that too. The main secretary came in to buy me lunch but I had already had lunch so she told me next time I am in the school she is buying me lunch. They were surprised at how well I caught on and was able to cover it with no help on Friday. I think I am going to tell her forget lunch just remember when she hears a business position open to recommend me. The assistant principal even came in to thank me for covering the attendance office. It is a big job, believe me and I didn't do the computer part of it but all the other stuff. The main principal, who kind of avoids me too, went by stopped and waved at me in there too. I hope I made some impressions.

  • Another mother at my nephew's game called me his mother today. My brother-in-law and my sister get very upset when this happens. I always correct the offender and say... I am the auntie. My brother-in-law told the woman she just said fighting words. When will my family understand, they only call me this because my sister and I look just alike. If they do not see us all the time they don't know we are two different people. I am not trying to be his mother, she is and will always be. I just support him in everything he does.

That is it for now... I know it has been a few weeks. I am going to try to start exercising again this week. Cheer me on!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy Birthday 2!

Happy Birthday to my Father! He is 73. Happy Birthday to my spiritual sister from another mother. Jennifer over at Noodle's Nest. She is 29 again. ( Well if I pretend to be 29, she has to also , so she wont give away my age since we are only a day apart. ) Tomorrow I am going out to lunch with my family to celebrate my birthday, my Dad's birthday, my grandfather's 97th birthday that is on the 13th, and my cousin's 47th birthday on the 14th. A month full of birthdays. Happy Belate Birthday to my other best friend who celebrated on the 4th. Here is some useless interesting information. I have three terrific friends. The two mentioned in this post were both born in April, like myself of the same year. My birthday is 4/8. My third long-time terrific friend was born on 8/4 of the same year. We have laughed about never forgetting each other's birthdays because you just have to switch the numbers. How neat. If you are reading this and have a birthday this month, Happy Birthday to you too.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to me. I am in Lancaster, PA and heading home tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Why I never ask for directions...

In my previous post, I wrote about my weekend on my cousin's farm. We left the area later than I wanted to because I knew it would be getting dark in a few hours. I was the main driver and did not bring my glasses for night driving. I figured if I could get us into Petersburg, VA, my sister could drive from there. She knows the route from there. We left at 5:45 PM and it should have been a 3.5 hour drive. We were driving down Route 40 and had been on the road almost an half hour. We noticed that a lot of cars heading the opposite direction kept flashing their lights at me. I thought, wow that is a lot of people warning me that a cop is taking radar. I dropped my speed down to 40 MPH because I didn't knew what the speed was but knew most of the route was 55 MPH. I kept driving and driving and driving, no cop. Then one lady flashed at us and waved us down. I slowed down some more thinking something was on the van. My imagination was thinking there was some mass murderer and we were heading straight towards them. I did not know. Then I spotted it..... a tree fell blocking all of Rte 40. I could do nothing but turn around. I pulled up in someone's driveway. This family and evidently all the neighbors were sitting at this house on the porch watching all us poor travelers struggle. I waved at them and all at once, they all raised their hands and waved at me. I just laughed. So we headed back the other way trying to plot how to get home. That is the only way I knew. We stopped at an old country convenience store. I played with the GPS for awhile but the only alternative routes were back down 40 and back down 40 and back down 40. I knew if I went back to my cousin's then traveled another 30 minutes into South Boston that it would be a five hour drive from there. I was not liking that alternative. I went in to potty and asked the country bumpkin if there was a way around 40. He told me of course. I should go down there and turn where there used to be a grocery store then turn where there used to be a car repair lot. Right past there will be Eureka and you can take one of those roads to bring you around that tree. I sat there dumbfounded. Honestly man, the reason I am asking directions is because I am not from here but you are giving me directions like I live here. If I lived here I wouldn't need the directions. Then a country customer asked me if I understood. I was honest and told him no. HE then told me to turn left at the old Grocery store right before the town of such and such ends. Then turn left at the old car lot. Then turn left on Saxe Roy Rd. I was so happy to hear the name of a road. The only bad thing is I never found this old grocery store. I drove some more. I pulled over at an old country church trying to get the GPS to route me through South Boston, no such thing. I was hoping being at the church would cause divine intervention. That sort of happened. I turned back around when I discovered I may have lost my cell phone. We went back to the country store. No cell phone but my nephew did find it in the car. Praise the Lord! I made the mistake of asking for the directions again to get around the tree. It was no better than the first answer. So off we headed back down 40 hoping the tow truck driver we met earlier was going to move it. We hoped and prayed. I began to get nervous because a truck had flashed his lights at me again. I was like come on, Please God , I want to go home. Thank goodness he listened. Two neighbors had volunteered during this time and had chainsawed enough of the tree that one car at a time could go through. It is now 7:15 and off we go...home. We drove about a mile and long and behold there is that Eureka town that county bumpkin told me about. We could have been long past there had he spoken fluent English. Wow, what an adventure. Anytime my Mom and I are involved with something it becomes an adventure. We made it home after 10:45 PM .

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Great Weekend...

My cousin and her husband retired about two years ago. They went and bought 100 acres of sticks, literally. No real grass, nothing. The whole lot had just been cut down for lumber. It is nothing but stumps, twigs and dirt. They have a vision, patience and lots of knowledge. They want a working farm. Last year spring break, we went for a visit. They had three dogs and two cats. One of the cats had kittens the night we were there. This year spring break, we go for a visit. They have one dog ( two were killed by cars while hunting), five cats, 15 hens, three roosters, 20 broiler chickens, two rabbit hounds, four pet goats and five wild goats. One goat had a kid right before we left. Its momma was white and he is different shades of brown. Today less than 24 hours after we left another goat had twins. Wow, what a change in one year. The pet goats and kids were adorable and playful. I was sitting on the ground holding a cat when one of the kids got jealous and decided he needed to be held. What I learned about the baby goat was when they want to be held they just walk up on your lap and get in your arms. No coaxing, nothing. They also like for you to lay on the ground on your hands and knees so they can jump on your back and play. They play king of the mountain by butting each other off your back. Then the one that wins jumps off and tries to flip around in the air. It is so funny to watch. Then they love to head butt each other for play. I could have watched them all day. The wild goats are fenced in a portable fence. Their first purpose is to eat the twigs and other things on the grounds. They are moved every few days. At some point they wil be sold for their meat at a great rate. They are extremely popular in the Musiim community but for now their purpose is to eat the ground down. I did have a new experience. This was eating fresh chicken from the farm. The broiler chickens are raised for that purpose. This chicken was smaller than grocery store chicken but it was tastier. It was hard though to sit in the barn having a bbq chicken dinner while the new broilers were right out the door eating to get plump for my cousins third round of organic free range chickens. My sister and I kept telling them to stop eating the feed so they wouldnt get eaten but they woudnt listen. The hens are being raised for the purpose of eggs. The two days we were there they laid amost two dozen. We took them home. My cousin sells these on weekends for $3 a dozen because they are natural grain fed. She always sells out. I learned that fresh eggs from the hens do not need to be refrigerated for two months if they have never been washed. There is a protective covering on the eggs that keep them fresh. Once the egg is washed , the coating is removed and they must be refrigerated immediately. I never knew that. We ate in the barn because their house is not built yet. They live in a second-hand FEMA trailer.We stayed in a local hotel. GOd Bless the people who had to live in those. Extremely tight quarters. They have lived in one for over a year, Bless their hearts. Last night winds were in excess of 50 MPH and a tornado warning was issued. They had to sleep in the barn for safety. The local Amish housebuilder came today and staked out their house. They hope by August to be in their new house. I am a city girl. It was a good weekend to visit but I found out I LOVE the city.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Just wanted to share with you that the city I live in and where we have our business located likes to waste payroll dollars with the Sheriff's Department. You see they have nothing better to do on a Saturday except to drive around to businesses telling them to remove their signs advertising their business on the business's own property. There are not burglaries, robberies, rapes, murders, traffic accidents, speeders or red light runners to harass today. Nope only businesses trying to take in enough money to pay their taxes so that these city employees and Sheriff can come around and harass them while criminals walk the streets. Then say.... We are giving up our day off to go around and summons and threaten businesses that are breaking city codes on their own property. Stay home and enjoy your day off. I can guarantee you that you are not doing this for free. The city counsel person may be but the deputy in the deputy's car is most likely getting paid. It should not be a city code to advertise your own business on your own property with a two way sign the size of poster board. Give me a break. My goodness, this sign is breaking city code and is more important than a crime being committed at this very moment. Get some priorities.