Thursday, August 11, 2016


For those of you that have read my blog for many years know who the crazy lady is from years back, She passed away this afternoon after battling dementia for years. This was my mom's last member of her original family.

For those of you that remember all the antics she did to my mom through the years will understand my sarcasm......Of course ,she passed away today, we were away on vacation. She went out of this world with an antic played on my mom one last time.

My mom was always good to her regardless of what was played on her.

We were leaving NY tomorrow and heading to Hershey this weekend. Now we are heading home.

Pray for our travels. I dont like driving over 5 hours in a day.This is a 10 hour trip.

Some good news:

We have been in Cooperstown , NY at the elite baseball camp for 12 year olds. We came as a family last Friday. We witnessed his team go 5-1 in seed play. Get ranked 13 out of 104 teams, then go on to two tournament games...Plus we witnessed him get his first and second home run ever. Great week for him and I am glad we could see it.